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Albert K. Harris


Original: http://bio.unc.edu/people/faculty/harris/

Albert K. Harris




Kancelarija: 103 Wilson Hall
Email: akharris [at] bio.unc.edu
Službeni telefon: (919) 966-1230



Ph.D., Yale Univerzitet (1971)
B.A., Swarthmore Koledž (1965)



Izabrane Reference  | Kursevi  | Istraživanje

Albert Harris is an embryologist interested in the “amoeboid” locomotion of the body’s component cells, and the ways in which cell movements generate anatomical patterns.

He invented and developed the elastic substratum method, by which he (followed by later researchers) used silicone rubber and various gels embedded with particles to measure and map locations, strengths and directions of cell traction forces at the micrometer level. He also co-discovered focal adhesions, retrograde surface transport, that ruffling is upfolding, that sponges crawl, that sponge cells continually rearrange even without dissociation, and has collaborated on mathematical and computer simulation studies of cell migration and cell division. Videos from this research are posted under “research” above.

His graduate students have worked on diverse topics ranging from the special adhesive properties of macrophages, the generation of tendons by cellular forces, the locomotion of sponges, cellular responses to electric fields, and the effects of tumor promoters on cell contractility.

Odrastao je u Durham i Wrightsville Beach NC., A u Norfolku, VA., I dugo je bio jedan i jedini diplomac Norfolk Akademije ikad da prisustvuju Swarthmore Koledž. Radio je svoj doktorat. sa JP Trinkaus na Yaleu, a bio je i post-doktorske Fellow of Fondacije Damon Runyon istraživanje raka u Kembridžu (Engleska) koji rade pod Michael Abercrombie, FRS. On je sin Kenneth Harris, istaknuti umjetnik, autor i perjanica pokreta za građanska prava u Tidewater, Virginia. Njegova porodica su tužitelji u (1958-9) federalnih i državnih sudskih predmeta koji prisilila rasne integracije Virginia javnim školama. Njegova supruga Elizabeth Holder Harris je lider u molekularnoj istraživanje genetike na hloroplasti i alga Chlamydomonas. Imaju troje djece, od kojih je jedan i ima doktorat iz biološka istraživanja, a drugi od kojih je učiteljica. Njegov posebni interesi su Whitewater kanu, kornjače i kompjuterskog programiranja.


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